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Musicans who realy  supporting Channel Three Berlin

and the amazing idea and reality wich was standing behind the "3":


Liste der Musiker weltweit, die die einzigartige Idee der "3" mit Ihrer Kunst, bei der globalen Umeinung, in nie dagewesenem Umfang, supportet haben.


But first...

aber zu 1st:



Unsere Mission:


About Our Mission:





Vielleicht ist es ein "VERSTEHN", was die "MISSION" von uns angeht? Es gibt Musiker in Mannheim, die mehr über meine "Mission" Wissen, als Sie zugegebener Maaßen, jedem anvertrauen könnten..., dabei vergessen Sie vor lauter mitfühlender Aufregung, das "ICH" zusammenbinden darf : MUSIK+WAHRHEIT+GESCHICHTE - zum Wohle Aller - dafür brauchen wir - gescheite Männer und Frauen, die helfen möchten...Meine Frage lautet:


Bist Du dabei ?


Best regards from the Owner 


Sincerely Your brother in J.C.


Frank von Falk***






Hi dear friend,

hi dear musicans,from everywhere of Pöanet 3 -thank you very much - for your amazing support across the time , and shurly your friendly comments you sent us. I`ll try to be allways in your heart and on your side...Perhaps it is an "understand" when it comes to the "MISSION" of us? There are musicians in Mannheim, the more about my "mission" know, when you want to bring deversities together, please help, if you dont wont to do so, dont help..., while you may forget to bind things together - for all menkind , please not that this isnt`t your mission, its my MISSION... "I `will do it for all of us": " Binding together: TRUTH + MUSIC + HISTORY - for the benefit of all - that is what we need - intelligent men and women who want to help ... Do you want to help?If you want to know more about my worldwide mission, please feel free to contact me - any time "immidiatly" ( in case of personal remembering - that there was much more on the top of it!



Best regards from the Owner 


Sincerely Your brother in J.C.


Frank von Falk***





It is an honor for me today to point you to a MEGA MUSIC EVENT!


Es ist mir eine Ehre Dich heute auf ein MEGA-MUSIK-EVENT hinzuweisen!


We work for years on this „undefeatable idea“ to get the best for You!


Wir haben Jahre daran gearbeitet, mit unserer „unschlagbaren Idee“ die besten Musiker für Dich an uns zu binden.


We will be glad, if you will click and read the following message.


Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Du den folgenden link klickst und die Nachricht ckecken möchtest.


With best regards


Mit freundlichen Grüssen


Channel Three Berlin Rebirth Research International



Frank von Falk***




Die Personen und Ihre Bands sind eingeladen in absehbarer Zeit nach Deutschland zu kommen. ( Datum & Ort teilen wir rechtzeitig mit ) These Persons and Bands are invited to come to Germany .


( Date & Location are transmitted within the next month )







For our international friends


Channel Three Berlin


is a Organization dedicated to supporting a community of artists and intellectuals of all mediums.


We feature many of the great artists that support us and feature some of the best music in the world. Our event is also known for stunning visuals, amazing art, and thought provoking films. Our goal is to create a community of musicians, artists and thinkers that appreciate art of all mediums and give them a permanent home where they can bond and exchange ideas.


We want to built a new and greater roof for all religions under the great house of god. Our interests include but aren’t limited to Music, Art, Philosophy, Science, History, Theology, Sacred Geometry, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Nibiru, Cymatics, Metaphysics, Lucid Dreaming…anything that evokes thought, emotion and the search for your past lifes and the truth.


Channel Three Berlin started as a yearly three day event of like-minded thinkers getting together to celebrate live music, philosophy and art under a unique culture. Our long term plan is to ground Channel Three to its own space, which will serve as the company headquarters to help underprivileged and disenfranchised youth/adults by acting as a community center for the arts.


Because our organization is grounded in Music, Art and Philosophy, we have a unique message to offer people who may have had a difficult time connecting with the rest of their peers. In addition Channel Three headquarters intends to have fund raising events to showcase music and art for artists that have a unique message.


We will create a successful schedule of events guided by our backbone philosophy: to connect on a deeper level and spread the creative spirit and the power of the individual. Please go to Channel Three Berlin to learn more about our organization and events we have planed for the near future.Like minded people interested in intelligent thought provoking music, art and philosophy, reincarnation of the immortable soul – and this is one of our main interests – to bring that out, we collect many international stars ( as you see on the following list ).


And its our target – to bring them / or a few of them together as one.


We wish – that these VIP`s are showing, for what they standing for ( as they show us the three – in the most of our supporting pictures videos and films! ) 



So write the "3" and reunite the 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ...


Our E-Mail Supportung Adress:


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