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Dear music lovers,

Dear musicians Dear friends of Channel Three Berlin,


We are about ready now to invite artists from all kind of music categories to Germany (Europe). The golden goal is to achieve a Mega Event together with YOU as well as with lots of international celebrities from the music industry. „Think big“ is what we love.


Oneness is the aim. Hand in hand together. Over the years, we have been able to present a very unique gift to selected people – many musicians as well. To reach this special get-together, your help is needed. Channel Three is ready to take off now.





Here is our history:


No, it was not one of these clichéd encounters in the rain, no cold autumn day, no stack of paper collision on the MTV campus, no big coincidence that brings musicians and bands together for a huge event. In 2006, in the beginning two souls have found each other in Germany just for one good reason: It had to happen!! Simple as that. The well known and most successful – “the one and only” - singer of Germany with his band from Mannheim was the first one to join. After a number of years, here we are again. Many bands as well as stars did it the right way: Right after the first self-made visions have been put down and sent out to the world, the next day those “thoughts” landed on the desks of the celebrities of the music and film industry.


The former newcomer station – Channel Three Berlin – did break through in a speedy way.

THE new idea was born, one of the fast growing ideas – world wide! In September 2008, the plans were finally completed, the first musicians presented their tracks.


Fantastic songs telling about courage, new beginnings and a better world straight from the heart. A new message of love and hope arises in us. Simultaneously, the fan base is growing. The Truth and the voice of Channel Three Berlin *** – combines with a danceable mix of rock and pop synthons, RNB, Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Country, House, Avangard, Classical – up from all musical styles – of confident voices – from all over the world. The diversified global mix makes the music. Their songs play the game of rebellion against resignation, hunger and war on our home planet; tell of soul union, of healing, hope and boozy nights, the love of music and the opposite sex. But they deny any independence, which is not bad as long as they stand fully behind the new idea of the “Three” that is: stand up voluntarily and for the Oneness – for the benefit of all.


Many of you have given up. Not WE! And so it came as it had to. That’s what gives the protagonist so much depth, vision and this sympathetic sex appeal mixed with genuine heart love. “We not only want people to bring the soul to dance, but celebrate with them and give them the music that is interesting in a new way and waited for so long. “ The entire music has been developed out of many experiments, was created by a lot of invested time and energy.


They remained true and faithful to themselves and to all of us ( Channel Three Berlin *** ) have found their “divine going” and therefore the search for more, bigger and louder, glamorous, more glitter, more gold can go on. And there is for a change in this difficult time of life: no limits upwards! „High as fiction can go “– according to our “Channel Three Berlin” faith motto: If you believe it or not – there is much more on the top of it!


Yours, Frank von Falk***


Many thanks to all of you –


without your support we would not have come so far.






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